Sunday, March 11, 2012

Love and Kisses

Dear Kate,
As I write this you are crying and your dad is asking why his love and kisses can't stop you from crying. You have been crying a lot! The doctor says you are just a "reactive baby" who responds to all of your surroundings. You dad is boucing you and making you dance the conga write now to hold off your crying until I can finish this post. I think you are getting better though, or maybe we are just figuring out better ways to soothe you. We are really loving having you, crying and all! You dad cried for 3 months straight and his parents said that is why he is an only child! Hopefully you won't do that to us too!
In other news, your Gran has been coming a couple times a week to visit you and let me get out of the house to run errands. You are so good for her and she doesn't believe me that you like to cry. Your Grandaddy or "Poppy" (Bill) has been coming on the weekends too to visit you since Grandmommy is in Florida. We went to dinner with him on Saturday night to a restaurant and you were so good until Mommy insisted we take you out of your car seat to show of your pretty dress. You got so many compliments but soon after cried and cried until we had to leave the restaurant. You dad says we will never do that again, haha.
You are such a blessing to us and we love you so much, even if you like to cry! Stay tuned for more fun milestones. Mommy has a full week planned for you!
Love, Mommy

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