Wednesday, May 2, 2012

3 Months Old!

Well the day has come and you are finally 3 months old! I feel like this is a monumental age for some reason. Everyone says that you will start getting really fun at this age so I have been looking forward to it. (You have always been fun though!) You are definitely starting to smile more, and interact well with us. I have also sort of been dreading this age because this means I will have to go back to work next week. I can't believe these 3 months have passed so quickly. I will miss you terribly while I am at work but I know you are in good hands with Jen your new nanny! Mommy loves you!!

Here are some of your accomplishments:
  • You rolled over on Sunday! We even got it on film which made Daddy very happy. You went from your tummy to your back which was so great!
  • You are starting to hold your head up better and can almost get it to a 90 degree angle when you are on your tummy.
  • You are obsessed with your hands! You love to hold them together and you are starting to hold on to rattles and things that make noise. You especially love to hold on to your paci.
  • You are growing like a weed! Daddy weighed you the other day and we think you might be close to 12 pounds!
  • You still keep trying to hold your bottle
  • You love being in your little jungle and hitting the little animals hanging down.

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